LEAP Primary Provision - Off-site Placement and Assessment

LEAP Primary Curriculum Statement


At LEAP Primary we have two curriculum pathways, both of which are child focussed and prioritise supporting wellbeing and personal and social development. Pupils who come to us have often become disengaged with education or have experienced a breakdown in relationship with their educational setting. Many of our pupils will have experienced trauma and find self-regulation difficult. We have designed a therapeutic curriculum to develop pupils’ understanding of themselves and of their identity and to support the development of executive functioning; a necessary set of skills for learning and mental wellbeing.


All pupils have daily phonics (Read, Write, Inc) or guided reading sessions. We aim to encourage a love of reading and so reading is embedded throughout our curriculum and within our daily routine. All pupils will also work through our therapeutic curriculum which is designed to explain the brain’s response to (real and perceived) threat and has been developed using the Survival Animals material from Beacon House. Pupils will learn to understand how the brain responds to threat using fight, flight, freeze; have identified what their physiological response to threat is and be able to say what strategies they know work to help them to regulate. Working with our speech and language therapist, we will be delivering the Level Up intervention which has been designed to support regulation and correlates with our Survival Animals lessons. The curriculum is further supplemented by topic sessions around a range of themes to develop pupils’ sense of belonging, identity and resilience. Within these topic sessions we have incorporated elements of subjects such as art, cooking, music and Philosophy 4 Children. Additionally, we offer a variety of enrichment activities on different days including swimming, horse riding, wall climbing; museum, shop, library and café visits.


For pupils who are with us full-time we also provide English, Maths, Science and PSHE lessons; these are bespoke to pupils’ needs. We work at a stage not age level so as to ensure progress for pupils of which they can feel proud and that will enable them to access learning which is both right for them and prepares them for the next step in their educational journey.


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LEAP Primary 2023 School Prospectus v2 02nd Oct 2023 Download
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